Thursday, November 12, 2009

This article is well worth sharing. The points made in this article have never been more important. We must all re-evaluate our thinking as to how Government was meant to represent the American Dream.

On Wed, 11/11/09, Ron Forbis wrote:

From: Ron Forbis
Subject: What our founders couldn't foresee
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 12:02 PM

What our founders couldn't foresee - By Henry Lamb -

This once-great nation is coming apart at the seams. Since the beginning, there has been tension between conflicting ideas and points of view. The genius of the system our founders created is the balance of power within the system that grinds this tension into agreement by the majority before any new proposal can become law.

This wonderful system has survived the rough and tough tumble of political discourse for more than two hundred years. It survived because, despite their differences, the vast majority of Americans were in absolute agreement about the purpose and goals of the government created by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Our founders' purpose and goals are summed up in these words:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…"

Our forefathers held this belief so firmly that they were willing to risk all they had, including their lives, to remove the dictatorial government that stifled their freedom and prevented the exercise of their belief.

Our forefathers disagreed, bitterly at times, but their shared belief in the fundamental principles of freedom allowed them to find compromises that allowed the continued pursuit of happiness for all parties. Our nation is coming apart at the seams because today, our nation no longer subscribes to the belief system on which this nation was founded.

Perhaps the central point of agreement among the founders was that "just powers" of government derive from the consent of the governed. When the people of America gave their consent to accept the government proposed by our founders, that government was limited to very specific enumerated powers; all other powers were retained by the states or the people.

Only a handful of Americans are aware of these enumerated powers, or where to find them. Today, the federal government is as dictatorial as King George ever was, and those who seek to control government have little respect for the notion that government power arises from the consent of the governed.

Among the factions that want to control government are those who subscribe to the Marxist idea that government should provide equal access to the necessities of life by taking wealth from those who have it, and redistributing it to those who do not. People who accept this notion could not vote to ratify the Constitution were it put before them today. Pressure from these people is a major reason our nation is coming apart at the seams.

Another faction that wants to control government is hyphenated-Americans. These are immigrants who do not want to become Americans, but instead, want America to be subdivided into Black-America; Asian-America; Hispanic-America; Native-America, and the like - where documents must be printed in their language; where their holidays are recognized, where their cultural traditions are honored, and ultimately, where their particular vision of government is exercised.

America has always welcomed immigrants who come here to become Americans. Immigrants who come here with no intention of becoming Americans or to become hyphenated Americans do not share our founders' belief system. Black nationalism rejects the founders' belief system, and curses the nation they created.

The seams of American society are further tested as Muslim immigrants re fuse to accept and integrate into American culture. Instead, Islam insists that America accept its veils, custom, and culture. America insists that government may not embrace any religion; this is a freedom retained exclusively by individuals. Islam, on the other hand, insists religion is the foundation of all government individuals are subservient to the state. This difference is irreconcilable and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Most of the population growth in America for the last several decades has come from immigration. Policies such as multiculturalism, bi-lingual education, open borders, and failure to insist that they learn English and Constitutional values and government structure and procedures have created a society that is a boiling pot ready to explode. The various factions pulling at the seams no longer agree with the original purpose and goals of our founders. They care more for their own goals than for the values this nation was created to defend.

Fortunately, one of those factions is a dedicated minority – at the moment - of people who are determined to defend the Constitution and the nation it created. Even now, these people are organizing as never before, drawing recruits from every quarter. They are enlisting candidates and teaching people how to carefully choose only those officials who demonstrate their belief in the values inscribed in our founding documents.

If America is to be saved, it can be done only by putting into office, at every level of government, only those people who, like our founding fathers, believe so firmly in the principles of freedom set forth by our founders, that they are willing to risk all, including their lives, to once again remove the dictatorial hand of government, and keep the nation free for every individual.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Legislation for Unions

The Politicians elected to represent the American people continue to ignore the will their constituents. Legislation for Card Check, which would allow labor to organize unions without secret ballots elections, is moving forward in Congress. The American people have expressed their opposition to this legislation but again their political agenda is more important than what is right for our country or the will of the people. I have included the following article for more information as a source on this issue.

The White House visitors log was just released and I found within the information something very interesting… Andy Stern, head of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and a fierce advocate for the Employee 'Forced' Choice Act or EFCA has been spending quite a lot of time at the White House.
In fact, according to The Wall Street Journal, Stern has visited the White House at least 22 times in the last year alone making him one of its most frequent visitors. Apparently, despite the fact that the American people -- including union households -- oppose EFCA, union bosses continue to pressure government officials to move forward with this job-killing legislation.

And just today, Politico is reporting that the SEIU is targeting moderate Senators to vote in favor of cloture on health care. We know that a vote in favor of cloture or moving a bill forward is a vote in favor of the legislation.

This is the same tactic and strategy Big Labor will pursue with the Employee 'Forced' Choice Act, legislation that would eliminate the secret ballot and empower government bureaucrats to mandate contracts terms on employers and employees without their consent.

The only thing standing in the way of Andy Stern and his friends in organized labor is you. EFCA supporters on Capitol Hill know this legislation is a massive bailout to union bosses and will increase their power generating billions in additional revenue at the expense of our freedoms and jobs.

Please make sure your voices are heard and remind our elected officials, whether at the White House or in Congress that they answer to us, not labor bosses.

Engaging your friends and family in this debate is critical to our success. Please sign up and share this information with others so we can defeat the Employee 'Forced' Choice Act or any variation of it once and for all.
Thank You,
Jason McBride